Divine Equines - Equine Assisted Spiritual Growth and Development

Some call this time here on earth a time for character development as God allows and gives his children opportunities to try on His heart for our own. Horses are one of God's best-kept secret "weapons" for growing and deepening our spirits in this life-long journey. My name is Beckie Boger and it is my great joy to partner with horses through Divine Equines, LLC (Equine Assisted Spiritual Growth and Development) to help women experience God's presence in the midst of their busy lives.

Who would have thought that God would/could personalize a spiritual mentoring session this summer at Hope Rising in Fredericktown, Ohio through a sky full of crows and red-tail hawks and the smell of Skin So Soft on a horse? "Grief" was embodied in a slightly chubby chestnut pony, and my client wanted to start by observing her grief and loss at a distance on a green, grassy slope- gaining some much-needed perspective. To quiet the mind and create space and awareness in the body we practiced what I call Eph' pha' tha' ("Be thou opened") breathing, then a relaxing Temple Scan and an energizing Son Salutation stretch. Cue the summer sky full of floating, circling birds, messengers from God in her eyes. We eventually moved to the pasture with the horses when she was ready to "touch grief" and make friends with it, especially when she was comforted by the scent of Skin So Soft that her deceased sister used to spray on their horse. When she finally felt "grief" gently leaning into her while they stood quietly together, she experienced the wisdom of gently leaning back into “grief” for peace and support. I couldn't have orchestrated or modeled a more intimate reflection of the presence of God for her that day.

How do we open our eyes to see God dwelling among us? I believe He is in our midst while in the pasture and the presence of horses! If you are a soul-weary and/or spirit-seeking woman, the horses and I have a unique, relaxing, companioning experience to share with you at Hope Rising! I can be reached at info@beckieboger.com 740-625-5661, or www.beckieboger.com


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