Finding the Good in a World of Trouble!

During a week of tragedy, violence and fear I have to remind myself there is only so much I can control.  I used to get quite consumed with fear when our world events would take a turn like it did this week with the explosion at the Boston Marathon.  I would become quite overwhelmed with the hurt and pain in this world and end up fighting depression.   It is one of the side effects for me as a 'sensitive' person.  I FEEL things deeply.   It is where my art, empathy and compassion come from but it is empathy and compassion on steroids  I have had to find ways to cope so that I am not dragged down by the terrible things that happen completely out of my control.   

My heart goes out to all the injured, traumatized people and those who lost loved ones at the hands of such senseless, malicious acts.  I also am so grateful for the bravery and compassion that has been shown by so many.   So many heros in a time of trouble!   I am writing this blog to remind myself, and others like me, who tend to get overwhelmed at the volume of  violence and hatred in our world that one thing I can control is looking for the good, amongst the bad.  I can get swallowed up in the media coverage which tends to focus on fear and begin to feel powerless or I can find ways in my life to see the good in life, in spite of the bad. 

One of my favorite verses from Romans 12:21 reminds me what to focus on.    
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
another favorite verse John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

I am now working in a pediatric physical therapy dept. I witness, every day, children with mountain sized obstacles, working thru their challenges.  This past week was not only tumultuous in the larger world but in the therapy gym as well.   I see these kids battle debilitating muscle disease, birth defects, injury, illness, autism, mental and emotional disabilities and physical abuse wounds to mention a few all day long.  They fall, literally and figuratively, but get back up to try again.  Success is not always measured by 'our standard' of success because sometimes, often even, it comes in tiny baby steps but it is awesome to see.   My job, on the hierarchy of status is pretty low as a rehab aide but I thoroughly enjoy being a part of the support staff.   I feel my job is vitally important in a smooth running therapy program so I give it my all.  I can do no less when I see the kids working so hard.   I am in a work environment in which we encourage each other and look for the good in spite of challenges and pain.  This is such a gift we can give to each other and it does not cost a penny.  This is what you can control in your world.  You have the control and power to look for the good in yourself and each other and encourage the 'try'.   The good is there in spite of the evils of this world.

I had this old favorite song rattling around in my head by Todd Rundgren as I began to write this blog.  It is very fitting I think to share here.  Enjoy your victories, no matter how small and see the good in others too.   These small tries add up to something amazing in the right time.  

Just one victory!  

If you don't know what to do about a world of trouble
You can pull it through if you need to
And if you believe it's true, it will surely happen
Shining still to give us the will
Lyrics from <a href=""></a>

Sow Peace and Love in Your World and Watch it Grow into Something Amazing!   

Boston our prayers are with you.  Much Love to all!!


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